
Baby Pimples - Would you Worry About it ?

Baby Pimples

Baby pimples

Baby pimples occur in many children, in some cases, this condition could be acne is not a problem and does not impose any potential long-term effects on the child. The condition is considered very common. Often looks like small red or white bumps in a specific area of ​​the face or other part of the baby. In some cases, these grains may be present at birth or may develop in the skin of a child in the future.

Baby pimples - what can I do about it?

Imagine you have a beautiful newborn baby and instead of seeing a clean skin is to see a baby acne. So I wrote this article on baby acne.
Fist I give a definition what is baby acne, then five points that cause acne baby And last but not least advice on how to manage your baby acne.

Baby pimples -  What is Baby Acne?

Baby acne also known as neonatal acne is a condition that affects 20% of newborns.
You see red bumps on the cheek in most cases, but also on the forehead and chin.
It may happen that, immediately after birth, but in most cases, acne appears in a few weeks after birth.

In most cases, acne disappears after three months. If not, you should inform your doctor about it! Maybe you've seen small bumps on the face of the newborn if they disappear after a few weeks child, then it is not acne, but Milia  nothing to do with Baby pimples .

What causes Baby pimples?

There are several factors that can cause acne on the baby's skin. As teenage acne, the condition can be caused by irritation of the skin ,Medications can cause Baby pimples and ,It is possible that oil or mineral oil can cause baby acne ,The hormones of the mother as the baby grows, it loses the hormones from the mother to baby leaves acne. ,Drugs, adopted by the baby or the mother who is pregnant can Baby pimples

Treatment fo Baby pimples?

 This may surprise you, but oil and lotions do not help. What can help is to clean the child's face once a day with water or use a baby soap.
Do not rub your baby's face to avoid Baby pimples , washing can irritate the skin. Use a product with a solution of vinegar you buy a product with natural ingredients. Keep in mind that it is a good idea to put creams or oils on your baby's face. This solution can work with juvenile or adult acne, but it will not help the Baby pimples. If you see your baby again off acne after a period of three months, it is time for you to talk to your doctor about this problem. Leave him alone, maybe you think this is good advice, but most of the time Baby pimples disappears by itself. You see baby acne is not worse at all. I hope that reading this article has collected some tips to cure or prevent acne from your Baby pimples.

Baby pimples - Where ?

The most common areas for pimples is the baby grow in the baby's cheeks. It can also develop on the forehead, back, stomach, or chin. If there are grains at the bottom of the baby or the inner thighs, this is an indication of a diaper rash or other skin irritation caused by moisture and stay.When a child is angry, crying, irritation and stress can cause Baby pimples become more important. This can cause your child's skin to turn red, making the beans the most remarkable baby.

What is the cause of Baby pimples ?

The cause of baby acne may or may not be easy to determine. In some children, hormones cause the condition to occur. Usually disappear as the child grows and your hormone levels stabilize. This is particularly common immediately after birth, while many hormones from the mother to the child remains. Other conditions that cause this include the following.

1 - The skin becomes irritated. This can occur from a tissue, milk or any other product touches the skin and is not properly cleaned away.

2 - abrasions on the skin of a baby can also cause Baby pimples. For example, if the child's skin was moist and dry with a rough towel, which can cause irritation that leads to the development of red marks, including grains.

3 - If the child has small white bumps and they have been there since the birth of the child and for several weeks after birth, it is a condition called Milia. Baby pimples disappear on their own and are not caused by acne in any way.

4 - In some children, a condition called eczema can develop even in very young children. This condition occurs when the skin is very sensitive to the environment and a rash develops accordingly.

5 - Some medications can cause Baby pimples that appear good baby. If your child takes medication and then it kind of forms of acne, it is a good idea to talk with your child's doctor about Baby pimples .

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