
Acnée ou acné

Acnée ou acné

 Acnée ou acné is a skin disease associated with inflammation of the pilots follicles, these follicles are composed of same follicle-appended which is the sebaceous gland. There are three forms of pilots follicles The terminal contains a hair follicle, a bit of beard, an eyebrow or an eyelash, the sebaceous gland is small.

Acnée ou acné

The follicle contains a down duvet and a large sebaceous gland. The sebaceous follicle which contains a wide and almost invisible fine hair and same channel, the follicle which plays a role in acne, is found on the face, chest and back.

Acnée ou acné

For an unknown reason, the skin pore becomes clogged, the cap cells adhering to the bottom of the sebaceous canal is the micro-comedown or worm skin. This micro-comedown will grow gradually turn: Acnée ou acné  If it is open to the outside: In comedown or blackhead. If it is closed: In micro cyst or white point.

Acnée ou acné

During puberty, sex hormones secreted by the body increase the activity of the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum (Oil type) it flows through the pores on the surface of the skin as it has become more oily. The channel pore eventually clutter sebum and external skin cells that produces in excess. These cells clog the channel and end in micro cyst or comedown as mentioned above.

Acnée ou acné

Bacteria living in the depth of a channel will grow in these new spaces and through an enzyme degrade sebum, releasing fatty acids that destroy the wall of the channel, they create an inflammatory reaction that will transform comedowns in inflamed pimples also called pustules.

Causes Acnée ou acné

Acne is the only relatively few factors, many of them think the opposite by making FALSE ideas such as the sun or even that of the pill, it is all FALSE, the main factor in Adolescence is the excessive hormone production, it meaner to clogged pores of the skin. Acnée ou acné Remember that diet and hygiene are the two biggest rumors current on acne but it does actually have no influence.

People affected by Acnée ou acné

Acne is a disease experienced by the vast majority of adolescents aged 12 to 22 years but at different levels, some people in their forties are also affected but to a very different number. No external factor is actually involved, which is why everyone can be exposed.

Figures: Acnée ou acné

- 80% of adolescents aged 12 to 20 years are undergoing this problem and it is estimated that only half have been seeing a specialist. The boys live this problem at the age of 15 years usually recover about 20 years old.The girls live with this problem at the age of 12 years usually recover to 20 years or more.  An untreated acne can sometimes put six years before returning to a so-called normal skin! In general, treatment followed by a dermatologist can have results after one year. 20% of treaties straining must undergo a second course even more to get rid of this problem.

Rate of Requisite for Acnée ou acné

Treatment regularly monitored by a dermatologist is likely to achieve its objective, if you think your acne severe enough or just obstructive, do not hesitate to visit your dermatologist appointment is long enough to obtain ( 2-3 months),Acnée ou acné it is better to plan ahead. Today, treatments allow you to get results in a few months (see: straining), only it is only available on prescription and after having shown that other treatments are found to be ineffective on you.Acnée ou acné
Acnée ou acné
IT is difficult to know what is the success rate could imagine almost 90%, although nearly 20% of treated (official figures) will need to redo a second course, and more. The products found in supermarkets are simply ineffective on certain types of acne, only antibiotics or treatments prescribed by a specialist will affective.Acnée ou acné.

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